
Internal anatomy of a mollusk: soft-bodied invertebrate animal, protected by a hard shell.
Mucous gland: mucus-secreting organ of a mollusk.
Digestive gland: organ of a molluks which performs the functions of a liver and pancreas.
Crop: a budge of the esophagus of a mollusk.
Stomach: digestive cavity of a mollusk.
Shell: hard protective covering of a mollusk.
Copulatory bursa: cavity related to the genital organs of a mollusk.
Heart: blood-pumping organ of a mollusk.
Pericardium: cavity related to the kidneys of a mollusk, situated around the heart.
Nephridium: organ of a mollusk that performs the functions of kidneys.
Genital opening: opening to the genital organs of a mollusk.
Excretory pore: opening through which a mollusk excretes its bodily wastes.
Gill: respiratory organ of a mollusk.
Visceral ganglion: budge related to some organ in a mollusk.
Pleural gland: tear-secreting organ of a mollusk.
Pedal gland: organ related to the foot of a mollusk.
Statocyst: organ of a mollusk that provides the sense of body equilibrium.
Mouth cavity: entrance to the digetive tract of a mollusk.
Tentacle: organ of touch of a mollusk.
Eye: sight organ of a mollusk.
Cerebral ganglion: brain of a mollusk.

Animation : Snails

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