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Morphology of an orthoptera: chewing
insect with soft wings cases and pliable, membranous rear wings. Compound eye: complex sight organ of an orthopteron. Head: foremost part of an orthopteron. Prothorax: foremost part of the thorax. Trochanter: type of knee joint at hip level that permits the
orthopteron to turn in any direction. Femur: first part of the orthopteron's leg. Middle leg: middle limb. Jumping leg: rear limb. Wing: appendage of an orthopteron used for aerial locomotion. Cerques: appendage of the temrinal abdominal somite. Tarsus: each of the parts that make up the segment of the orthopteron's
leg below the tibia. Ovipositor: organ to depose eggs out of the body. Segment: part of the abdomen. Spiracles: respiratory orifice of an orthopteron. Tibia: middle part of an orthopteron's leg. Coxa: parts of an orthopteron to which the legs are attached. Labrum: upper lip of an orthopteron. Fore leg: front limb.
Photo :
EN : Orthoptera
(grasshoppers, crickets, locusts)
FR : Orthoptera
(criquets, sauterelles, grillons)
ES : Orthoptera
(saltamontes, grillos, langostas)
Orthopteran have two pairs of wings, the
forewings are narrower than the hind wings and hardened at the base. They
are held overlapping the abdomen at rest. Their hind legs are enlarged
for jumping.
Animation : Grasshopper
Thanks to YouTube for allowing us to watch this video.