Men's footwear

Men's footwear
Men’s footwear: clothing protecting and supporting the foot designed for men.
Running shoe: shoe provided with a non-skid sole used for the practice of the sports.
Chukka: derby shoe laced on the front.
Tennis shoe: cotton shoe without heel whose end is out of rubber.
Blucher oxford: flat shoe which is laced on the front and from which the wings space out for better put it on.
Oxford shoe: flat shoe which is laced on the front and from which the wings’ top space out for better put it on.

Photo :

EN : Space suit
FR : Combinaison spatiale
ES : Traje espacial


A space suit is a complete system of garments, equipment and environmental systems designed to keep a person alive and comfortable in the harsh environment of outer space. This applies to extra-vehicular activity outside spacecraft orbiting Earth.