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Brain or encephalon (sagittal section):
Seat of mental capacities of a human. Septum pellucidum: translucent partition between two cavities. Fornix: an arched body in the brain. Interthalmic commissure: region of the thalamus. Pineal gland: epyphysis. Aqueduc of Sylvius: canal that connects the third ventricle to
the fourth one. Cerebellum: nervous centre situated under the brain. Fourth ventricle: fourth cavity of the brain. Brain stem: part of the brain consisting of the medulla oblongata,
the pons Varoli and the mesencephalon. Medulla oblongata: lower part of the brain stem. Pons: projecting central part of the brain stem. Mesencephalon: upper part of the brain stem. Mammillary body: nipple-shaped part of the brain. Hypophysis: gland situated under the brain which secretes hormones
controlling most basic body functions. Optic chiasma: the crossing of the optic tracts in the brain. Anterior commissure: fascia of white substance related to the
olfactory tracts. Corpus callosum: substance joining the two hemispheres.
Photo :
EN : Human
FR : Peau
ES : Piel
Humain skin is the largest organ of the
integumentary system made up of multiple layers of epithelial tissues
that guard underlying muscles and organs. As the interface with the surroundings,
skin plays the most important role in protecting.
Animation : Brain
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