
Skull (anterior view): bony case of the brain of vertebrates.
Superciliary arch: arch like bone situated at eyebrows level.
Frontal bone: bone of the forehead.
Glabella: part of the skull between the eyebrows.
Orbital cavity: hollow part of the skull which contains the eye.
Malar or zygomatic bone: cheek bone.
Anterior nasal spine: long, projecting part of the nasal bone.
Maxilla: bony upper part of the jaw.
Body of the mandible: bony upper part of the jaw.
Mental process: the part of the mandible that forms the chin.
Alveolar part: edge of the buccal cavity, into which the teeth are set.
Mental foramen: cavity of the chin.
Body of the mandible: main part of the mandible.
Nasal cavity: skull opening related to the nose.
Ramus: bony part connecting the mandible to the skull.
Supraorbital foramen: cavity below the orbit.
Zygomaticofacial foramen: cavity related to the cheek.
Infraorbital margin: lower edge of the orbit.
Fossa for lacrimal sac: opening of the tear duct.
Supraorbital arch: arched bone forming the upper part of the orbit.
Supra-orbital foramen: opening above the upper part of the orbit.

Animation : Human Skull

Thanks to YouTube for allowing us to watch this video.

Objet virtuel : Human Skull

Thanks to YouTube for allowing us to watch this video.